Mass balance calculator


Mass balance calculator

 Mass Balance Calculator

In chemical engineering, mass balance calculations are fundamental for analyzing processes involving the flow of materials. These calculations ensure that the mass of each component entering a system equals the mass of the components leaving the system, accounting for any reactions, transformations, or accumulations.

Mass Balance in Chemical Engineering:

Mass balance is a conservation principle that ensures the total mass of a closed system remains constant over time. It is applied in chemical engineering to analyze processes such as chemical reactions, mixing, separation, and more. Mass balance equations are derived based on the principle that what goes into a system must come out of it, considering reactions, transfers, and accumulations.

A general mass balance equation can be written as:

Inputs = Outputs + Accumulation


- Inputs: Mass of components entering the system.

- Outputs: Mass of components leaving the system.

- Accumulation: Change in mass within the system due to reactions or other factors.

Example Mass Balance Calculator:

Let's implement a simple mass balance calculator in HTML and JavaScript for a chemical reaction. Consider the reaction: A + B → C

In this example:

- The user inputs the masses of components A and B.

- Upon clicking the "Calculate" button, JavaScript calculates the mass of component C using the mass balance equation: C = A + B.

Mass Balance Calculator

Mass Balance Calculator

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